
I am a PhD student in the Foundations of Machine Learning Group at Aarhus University, led by Kasper Green Larsen whom I am also grateful to have as my advisor. Before starting my PhD, I received a Bachelor’s degree from the Mathematics Department at Aarhus University and a Master’s degree in Statistics from the Statistics Department at Aarhus University. My primary research interest is learning theory. My PhD study is set to end at August 2025, and I am currently seeking either a PostDoc position or a full-time role. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated!


Work by my Brilliant co-authors and me. I am thankful for their insights and collaboration, which have helped me grow.


Improved Margin Generalization Bounds for Voting Classifiers
Co-Authors: Kasper Green Larsen
Manuscript: lARXIVl

On Agnostic PAC Learning in the Small Error Regime
Co-Authors: Julian Asilis, Grigoris Velegkas
Manuscript: lARXIVl

Understanding Aggregations of Proper Learners in Multiclass Classification
Co-Authors: Julian Asilis, Grigoris Velegkas
Conference: lALT 2025l

Efficient Optimal PAC Learning
Conference: lALT 2025l


Majority-of-Three: The Simplest Optimal Learner?
Co-Authors: Ishaq Aden-Ali, Kasper Green Larsen, Nikita Zhivotovskiy
Conference: lCOLT 2024l

Optimal Parallelization of Boosting
Co-Authors: Arthur da Cunha, Kasper Green Larsen
Conference: lNeurIPS 2024l - Oral top 0.39% of submissions

The Many Faces of Optimal Weak-to-Strong Learning
Co-Authors: Kasper Green Larsen, Markus Engelund Mathiasen
Conference: lNeurIPS 2024l

Sparse Dimensionality Reduction Revisited
Co-Authors: Lior Kamma, Kasper Green Larsen, Jelani Nelson, Chris Schwiegelshohn
Conference: lICML 2024l


The Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform Is Even Faster
Co-Authors: Ora Nova Fandina, Kasper Green Larsen
Conference: lICML 2023l

AdaBoost is not an Optimal Weak to Strong Learner
Co-Authors: Kasper Green Larsen, Martin Ritzert
Conference: lICML 2023 l - Oral top 2.37% of submissions

Barriers for Faster Dimensionality Reduction
Co-Authors: Ora Nova Fandina, Kasper Green Larsen
Conference: lSTACS 2023l

Optimally Interpolating between Ex-Ante Fairness and Welfare
Co-Authors: Panagiotis Karras, Wenyu Ma, Nidhi Rathi, Chris Schwiegelshohn
Manuscript: lARXIVl